Cancellation Policy

We use three different cancellation policies, depending on the reservation you make. You may be charged for the cancellation according to the property's cancellation or no-show policy. We advise you to carefully read the accommodation's cancellation or no-show policy before making your booking.

Flex Reservations

There will be total refund for cancellations made up to 30 days before the intended date of arrival. For cancellations made 30 days or less preceding on the intended date of arrival, we will charge the total amount.

Semi-flex Reservations

There will be one overnight stay cancellation fee for cancellations made up to 30 days before the intended date of arrival. For cancellations made 30 days or less preceding on the intended date of arrival, we will charge the total amount.

Non-Refundable Reservations

It is not possible to modify or cancel this reservation in any case. The total costs for all apartment nights, will be charged directly after your reservation is made.